North Kala

Status: stoped
Category: Digital

North Kala started operating in 2009 and the main goal of this project was to make it easier to introduce products or services (for sellers) and also to make it easier for customers to buy.
In this project, during the registration, they had to choose the type of use of this system that they are going to register as a seller or a customer.
Registration was not mandatory for customers, but if they did, it had positive features for them, for example, they could top up their account and place an order with just one click from stores that use North Kala or Register your payment.
Also, they could use the discounts offered by North Kala in the desired purchases.
In this system, sellers could add their products along with descriptions and prices, and then find the purchase link for that product and provide it to customers.

Useful features for sellers:

  • 1- Through the panel settings, they could specify the received information that is needed when placing an order.
  • 2- One of the very important possibilities for sellers was to receive a list of e-mails and mobile numbers, which helped business owners to create a list of their customers.
  • 3- It was possible to create discounts for products or a specific category, which increased business sales.
  • 4- Receiving a list of transactions and invoices that helped them prepare reports and pay taxes.
  • 5- The possibility of determining the desired currency for payment (dollars, euros and others).
  • 6- The possibility of adding personnel by determining access.
  • 7- The possibility of creating an invoice manually.
  • 8- The possibility of creating an installment invoice.
  • 9- Sending emails to customers.
  • 10- Ability to send a ticket to support and receive an answer.

After some time, due to the change of strategy and services, the name of this project was changed to Polaro.